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Claap Webhooks & API documentation
Claap Webhooks & API documentation

Technical documentation covering entity schema, payload description, and event triggers

Thomas Hernandez avatar
Written by Thomas Hernandez
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Claap webhooks allow a client of Claap to be automatically notified of key events relating to their workspace and recordings, thereby enabling the creation of custom workflows with automation platforms like Zapier, Make, or n8n. You can also integrate with Claap webhooks with your own endpoint.

This article covers the technical documentation of Claap webhooks and related APIs.

💡 For a more hands-on guide about using webhooks with automation tools like Zapier, see Ways to Use Webhooks with Claap.


Schemas of entities shared by API endpoints or webhooks are described in the following sections.


A recording represents a successfully transcoded and analyzed result of a video clip or meeting.

  • actionItems (array of objects, required): a sequence of action items analyzed from the recording content. Each item is made of a markdown description and an isChecked boolean telling whether the action has been marked as completed.

    • items (array of objects, required):

      • description (string, required): action description as markdown

      • isChecked (boolean, required): true if the action has been validated

    • langIso2 (string, required): language of the items group

  • channel (object, optional): the channel the recording belongs to if any

    • id (string, required)

    • name (string, required)

  • companies (array of objects, required): external companies involved in the meeting

    • id (string, required)

    • name (string, required)

  • createdAt (string, required): recording creating time in ISO format. Note this is when the recording was initiated, not when it became ready for consumption. Often, this coincides with the time the related meeting started.

  • deal (object, optional): the deal attached to the meeting, if any

    • id (string, required)

    • name (string, optional)

  • durationSeconds (number, required): duration of the recording video in seconds.

  • insightTemplates (array of objects, required)

    • insights (array of objects, required)

      • langIso2 (string, required)

      • sections (array of objects, required)

        • title (string, required)

        • description (string, required): as markdown.

    • templateTitle (string, required)

  • labels (array of strings, required)

  • id (string, required): recording identifier

  • keyTakeaways (array of objects, required)

    • langIso2 (string, required)

    • text (string, required)

  • meeting (object, optional): the meeting related to the recording if any

    • endingAt (string, required): meeting scheduled end time in ISO format. Recording end time if meeting was not scheduled

    • participants (array of objects, required): a collection of persons possibly attending the meeting, participants or organizers.

      • email (string, optional)

      • id (string, optional)

      • name (string, optional)

    • type (string, required): external if there is at least one external participant, internal otherwise.

    • startingAt (string, required): meeting scheduled start time in ISO format. Recording start time if meeting was not scheduled

  • outlines (array of objects, required)

    • langIso2 (string, required)

    • text (string, required)

  • recorder (object, required): the person recording the clip or meeting

    • attended (boolean, required): true if the recorder attended the meeting

    • email (string, required)

    • id (string, required)

    • name (string, required)

  • transcripts (array, required): the list of all transcript, made of the native transcript and requested translations

    • isActive (boolean, optional): true if this transcript is the default one selected for the recording.

    • isTranscript (boolean, optional): true if this is the native transcript

    • langIso2 (string, optional): the transcript language code

    • textUrl (string, required): the URL to the transcript text representation, valid for 24 hours.

    • url (string, required): the URL to the transcript JSON file, valid for 24 hours.

  • thumbnailUrl (string, required): link to the thumbnail picture illustrating this recording

  • title (string, optional): recording title

  • url (string, required): recording page URL in claap web application.

  • video (object, required)

    • url (string, required): recording video URL, valid for 24 hours.


A JSON transcript is available at the URL available in transcripts[].url

Timecode are relative to the transcribed audio timeline, in seconds, starting at zero.

  • language (string, optional): iso-2 code of the “main” language of the transcript

  • segments (array, required): the array of speaking segments, each attached to a single speaker

    • endedAt (number, required): segment end timecode.

    • languageCode (string, optional): iso-2 code of the “main” language of the segment

    • speaker (string, optional): arbitrary speaker identifier

    • startedAt (number, required): segment start timecode

    • text (string, required): segment transcription

    • words (array, optional): sequence of words composing the segment

      • endedAt (number, required): word end timecode

      • startedAt (number, required): word start timecode

      • word (string, required): word transcription


Webhooks are registered in a workspace and fired when the following events take place in the workspace:

  • recording_added: a new recording is available

  • recording_updated: a recording was updated

See the Events section below for more details on these events.

When one of these events takes place, the client endpoint receives the payload as a POST HTTPS request, in JSON format.

The client is expected to answer with a 200 status code within 5 seconds. Failing to do that, the payload will be sent again immediately, then 1 minute and 5 minutes later, before being discarded.

The following headers are set in the request:

  • X-Claap-Webhook-Id: the webhook identifier.

  • X-Claap-Webhook-Secret: a secret key bound to the webhook, which can be used to check the request comes from Claap.

Event structure

Webhook payloads are structured as JSON objects like:

"eventId": "eeghaiCh8Chaikusa5che",
"event": {
"type": "recording_added",
"recording": {
... <Recording> payload

Where event.type identifies the kind of event being received and eventId identifies this particular instance of webhook invocation. eventId is shared by all retries of a same invocation.


  • recording_added

The recording_added event type is emitted when a new recording, from a clip or a meeting, is made available to workspace members.

Private recordings are excluded.

A recording is available once it is transcoded, transcribed and analyzed. Its payload includes recording metadata, an outline, insights, as well as links to various recording-specific resources (transcripts, video file). When the recording is a meeting recording, the payload will also contain, if relevant, information about participants, deal, and company.

  • recording_updated

The recording_updated event type is emitted when some properties of a recording are updated. Whenever one of the following properties in a recording changes, this event will be fired:

  • Channel

  • Label

  • Attached Deal

  • Attached Company

  • Insights template

Private recordings are excluded.

The payload includes the complete Recording entity, similar to the payload sent for a recording_added event.

Example JSON Payload

Below is a JSON file containing an example of the payload received for a recording_added event:

Sample payload

"eventId": "vM23twV2fdlGE3WgMVOgy",
"event": {
"type": "recording_added",
"recording": {
"actionItems": [
"items": [
"description": "**Paul**: share slide deck with John",
"isChecked": false
"description": "**Patrick**: review the deal specification",
"isChecked": true
"langIso2": "en"
"channel": {
"id": "QbjbnJW4D0",
"name": "Team Daily Meetings"
"companies": [
"id": "ICLHjGDmvZOJQO5j",
"name": "ACME Corp"
"createdAt": "2025-01-09T10:49:40.439Z",
"deal": {
"id": "n9jGT12wyyLECaSx",
"name": "ACME Corp -- Annual renewal 2025"
"durationSeconds": 157.061,
"id": "N7pLMMIjatb3",
"insightTemplates": [
"insights": [
"langIso2": "en",
"sections": [
"description": "The meeting addressed several points regarding...",
"title": "📄 Meeting summary"
"description": "* %[00:16]() Decison 1.....\n* %[01:06]() Decision 2...",
"title": "💡 Decisions"
"templateTitle": "Team Update #2"
"keyTakeaways": [
"langIso2": "en",
"text": "* **Paul** reported...\n* **Patrick** suggested... \n* A problem was raised by **John** regarding..."
"langIso2": "fr",
"text": "* **Paul** a signalé\n* **Patrick** a proposé...\n* Un problÚme a été soulevé par **John** concernant..."
"labels": [
"Blue Team"
"meeting": {
"endingAt": "2025-01-09T11:00:00Z",
"participants": [
"attended": true,
"email": "<email>",
"id": "vVHh4RGVYJO1",
"name": "Patrick M"
"attended": true,
"email": "<email>",
"id": "IVdaRoMqRa4Z",
"name": "Paul"
"attended": true,
"email": "<email>",
"id": "KckfeYteFKuB",
"name": "John F"
"startingAt": "2025-01-09T10:00:00Z",
"type": "external"
"outlines": [
"langIso2": "en",
"text": "### Introduction\n* ..."
"langIso2": "fr",
"text": "### Introduction\n* ..."
"recorder": {
"attended": false,
"email": "<email>",
"id": "w5ZEqqIXEcwG",
"name": "Thomas H"
"thumbnailUrl": "<url>",
"title": "Daily Blue 09/01/2024",
"transcripts": [
"isTranscript": true,
"langIso2": "fr",
"textUrl": "<url>",
"url": "<url>"
"isActive": true,
"langIso2": "en",
"textUrl": "<url>",
"url": "<url>"
"url": "<url>",
"video": {
"url": "<url>"


Claap REST-like API is exposed on via HTTPS.

It is currently minimalistic and allows webhook to be manually triggered, which can be useful when integrating them.

Response body will always be a JSON object.

On success, it will be like:

"ok": true,
"data": {
... optional additional attributes depending on the call ...

Error responses look like:

"ok": false,
"error": "some_error_code",
"errMessage": "an optional human readable error message adding some context"


POST v1/webhook/${webhookId}/trigger

Manually trigger a webhook

The caller must authentify themselves by passing the webhook secret in x-claap-webhook-secret header.

  • webhookId is the identifier of the webhook to trigger

The payload is a JSON object, which content depends on the event being triggered:

  • recording_added:

    "type": "recording_added",
    "recordingId": "fahpechuF8qu"
  • recording_updated:

    "type": "recording_updated",
    "recordingId": "fahpechuF8qu"

The endpoint answers with 200 on success, with no additional attributes.

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