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Thomas Hernandez avatar
Written by Thomas Hernandez
Updated over a week ago

The first section on the sidebar is the Inbox. That’s your workspace notification center, where you can see activity on both your claaps and claaps shared with you.

Notification counter

From the lateral bar, you see the number of claaps with new/unread notifications. This counter sums up all your new activity updates across all the topics and claaps in the workspace.



The inbox lists all your notifications, with the following details:

  1. Which claaps have unread notifications, marked with a sign

  2. What was the latest notification about and the total amount of unread notifications

  3. When was the last notification received

Notification details

Each notification is displayed with the following information:

  • Claap name

  • Parent topic (if there is one)

  • The user that triggered the notification

  • Timestamp of the notification

  • Type of notification

  • Amount of other unread notifications for the claap

Notification types

Claaps sends notifications in the following cases:

  • New claaps: when a claap is shared with you.

  • First views: when a teammate or any anonymous user watches a claap for the first time.

  • Comments: when there is a new comment, reply, reaction, or appreciation in a claap.

  • Mentions: when someone mentions you or uses the @here option.

  • Votes: when someone votes in a poll.

💡 These notifications are the same as the ones you can receive via email or via Slack. Read Claap notifications

Managing notifications

Deleting and marking notifications as read/unread

There are two options to delete or mark notifications as read/unread:

1. Hover a notification and click on the appropriate icon appearing on the right side.

2. Select one, some, or all notifications using the checkboxes on the left side and click on the appropriate icon.

Displaying sub-notifications

When you have several unread notifications for a given claap, we group them together and show a counter next to the latest notification received. To open sub-notifications, hover over the notification counter and a detailed overlay appears below.

Take into account that:

  • We display a maximum of 6 sub-notifications. If there are more, we show an "X more" message.

  • All notifications and sub-notifications are ordered in chronological order. The most recent one is on top.

  • When a notification is changed from read to unread status, we only keep the last sub-notification.

  • When a notification is passed from read to unread due to a new activity, we only keep the new sub-notification as unread.

  • When deleting a notification, all sub-notifications are deleted as well.

Filtering notifications

When there are many notifications, it’s sometimes helpful to select all the unread ones for easier access. You can do this from the filter button on the top right of your Inbox.

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