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How can I translate my meetings and insights?
How can I translate my meetings and insights?
Thomas Hernandez avatar
Written by Thomas Hernandez
Updated over 3 months ago

Claap has introduced a new feature to help users translate their content seamlessly. This feature allows you to translate the Transcript, Overview, and Insights of a recording, making your Claap recordings more accessible to other workspace members and to a more global audience.

Supported languages

Claap can automatically detect 99+ languages in your recordings (complete list here).

From these, you can currently translate into six languages:

  • English

  • French

  • German

  • Italian

  • Portuguese

  • Spanish

Translating a recording

  1. On a recording page, click on the globe icon in the header bar

  2. Select one of the languages available in the dropdown

    1. Select None if you want to restore the language to the original language of the recording

  3. The translated content will appear in the transcript, overview and insights tabs.
    Note: When translating a recording into a new language, a loading indicator will be displayed while the translation is being processed.

💡 When translating a recording, the selected language and translated content will be saved for all viewers of the recording.

Configuring Workspace-Level Translation Settings

If your workspace members record videos and/or have meetings in multiple languages, you can configure your workspace so that the transcript and generated insights are always translated into a specific language.

  1. Open your Settings by clicking on your Workspace name top-left and then on Settings

  2. Click on General under the Workspace Settings section

  3. Select your preferred language for transcripts from the language dropdown

  4. Select your preferred language for AI-generated content from the language dropdown

In the Language dropdowns, select None if you don't want any automatic translation to be performed.

⚠️ Changes to workspace-level settings will only apply to future recordings and will not translate existing recordings retroactively


Will translations affect the original content?

No, translations are applied and stored separately. Your original content remains unchanged. Selecting the value None in the Languages dropdown will set the language back to the original language recorded.

Can I backfill translations for past recordings?

No, translations only apply to new recordings. For past recordings, you can manually translate content as needed.

What if I want to translate into a language that isn't available in the dropdown?

At the moment you can translate into English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. If you have a need to frequently translate into another language, please contact to make a feature request.

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