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Best practices to collaborate on claaps

Thomas Hernandez avatar
Written by Thomas Hernandez
Updated over a week ago

Claaps are a new format for asynchronous collaboration. As with any new format, you need to follow best practices to catch your collaborators' interest and get all the feedback you need.

Just as you wouldn't send a messy email without text formatting or a presentation without any design and structure, you'll need to craft your claaps to make the most of them.

Sharpen your claap

Add a clear title

This might sound small, but the title is the first thing your team sees when they receive a claap. A descriptive title grabs attention and removes the guesswork to figure out what it is about.

Good titles come with structure:

  • If you expect a validation with your claap, you can simply write your overall question as a title

  • Otherwise, make sure to be clear and explicit on the scope of the claap

Few examples from us and our users:

  • Tutorial - How to set up your email signature?

  • OKRs - Launch private beta & get early market validation

  • Bug - The preroll didn't disappear when clicking on the comment button

  • Validation - Should we add a bike garage in our office?

With AI Copilot you can instantly create titles, subtitles, chapters, tags and thumbnails!

Provide context with a short description

Without context, most people will not jump into a 10 minutes video. So you need to give them an overview of the discussion.

Write a small introduction at the beginning of the claap. And if you’re presenting external documents, you can reference them for easy access.

Add introduction slides

Just as you don't fire an important meeting without a small deck, we recommend sharing some notes at the beginning of the video to give context before jumping into the discussion.

This way, you'll make sure to bring all relevant information needed to your collaborators to let them make informed feedback.

Structure your claap to make it easier to scan

When you share a long video, you can leverage the video annotation to divide your claap into sections, as you would in a presentation.

Adding video annotations along the way will help your users better understand the different sections of your presentation and parse quickly the video to focus on what matters to them.

This is even more important when you record a real meeting. No one will watch a 1-hour meeting if they are not able to quickly jump to the section that matters to them.

Help them by highlighting the important moments!

Get feedback

Mention people whose input or attention is requested

Claap comes with user mentions. You can rely on them to get the attention of your peers.

And to avoid noise, make sure to specify with every mention if you expect feedback or if you’re just mentioning for information.

Use polls to get instant feedback at scale

When you need to get a quick answer from a large audience, don't forget to rely on polls. Others will be able to easily select an option and – if needed – add more context with a written comment.

Make decisions

Acknowledge when someone gives you feedback

Do you expect feedback from your peers? They do as well. Whenever someone takes time to give a remark or answer one of your questions, always make sure to show them that you have received their input.

#asyncHack: You can even use reactions not to spam them!

Resolve comments

As you agree on the next steps with your team, start resolving comments. This will make it easier to distinguish open threads from closed ones. And if future watches need more context, they pull all comments with a click of a button.

Don't forget to close the discussion

A claap is an asynchronous meeting. And no one likes meetings that never reach a conclusion. Likewise, no one likes it when a claap remains open without a clear conclusion.

For future readings and to ease alignment across teams, always close your claap when you have what you needed. You can even leverage labels to indicate its status.

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